Robert Booth Hull (1918–1962)



Los Angeles

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St. Louis Park

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St. Lous Park High School, Graduated 1936

Members of the Class of 1936

Sources: 1936 Echowan, class reunion lists, and personal communication. Some students may be missing from this list. If you know the whereabouts of any of these people, please contact David Hughes at

People in red are those I’ve been in contact with. Thirty people in blue were listed as deceased as of 1996 class reunion.

SSDI = Social Security Death Index; MNDI = Minnesota Death Certificate Index

  1. Anderson, Doris (photo) – died 01 Sep 2006 (Star Tribune obituary)
  2. Anderson, Evelyn (photo) – married name Johnson
  3. Asplund, Carl (photo)
  4. Attwooll, Helen (photo)– Salutatorian; married name Thomas
  5. Blanchard, Edith (photo)
  6. Blubaugh, Maxine (photo)
  7. Campbell, Ada (photo) – married name Velner; died 23 Mar 2002 (SSDI)
  8. Carlson, Ervin (photo)
  9. Chance, Warren (photo)
  10. Clark, Douglas (photo) – Vice President
  11. Clay, Doyle (photo) – President
  12. Cook, Joyce (photo) – married name Daggett
  13. Dunn, Adelle (photo) – married name Ackmann
  14. Ferrell, Helen (photo) – married name Rebmann
  15. Finnegan, Bill (photo)
  16. Fust, Marjorie (photo)– married name Delin
  17. Guy, Erma (photo) – married name Westover
  18. Halvorsen, Harold (photo) – Harold died March 2008 (Star Tribune obituary)
  19. Harris, Betty Ann (photo) – Valedictorian; married name Waldron
  20. Henderson, Thomas (photo) – died several years ago, per Adelle (Dunn) Ackmann; died 10 Mar 1999 (SSDI and MNDI)
  21. Hitchcock, Jacquelyn (photo) – Treasurer; married name Waleen
  22. Holmes, Harvey (photo)
  23. HULL, ROBERT (photo)
  24. Hurd, Charlotte (photo) – married name Olson
  25. Johanson, Harold (photo)
  26. Johanson, Willmer (photo)
  27. Johnson, Juliette (photo) – married name Schleuder
  28. King, Celia (photo) – married name Casner/Cosner
  29. Korsmoe, Gordon (photo) – died 2007, per Mildred Korsmoe
  30. Korsmoe, Mildred – married name Nordstrom; not pictured in 1936 Echowan
  31. Krake, Lenore (photo) – married name Dolan; died 04 May 2003 (SSDI and Star Tribune obituary)
  32. Kuhnley, Harvey (photo)
  33. Langford, Bernice – married name Makepeace; not pictured in 1936 Echowan
  34. La Vigne, Katherine (photo)
  35. Lea, Lucille (photo) – married name Lindbery
  36. Lenthauser, Williard (photo)
  37. Ludwig, Margaret (photo) – married name Varnuska
  38. Lundberg, Flora (photo) – married name Jones
  39. Lundy, Robert (photo) – died 18 Jan 2000 (SSDI)
  40. Mason, Jane (photo) –married name Wright
  41. Maylone, Beatrice (photo)
  42. McKenzie, Katherine – not pictured in 1936 Echowan
  43. Mellstrom, Grace (photo) – died 19 May 2003 (SSDI)
  44. Milles, Joseph (photo)
  45. Moldestad, Maurine (photo)
  46. Neitzel, Vergil (photo)
  47. Nygaard, Kenneth (photo) – died 11 Mar 2004 (Star Tribune obituary)
  48. Nylander, Howard (photo)
  49. Olson, Marion (photo) – married name Fuehrer
  50. Rebmann, Edith (photo)
  51. Reggin, George (photo)
  52. Reilly, Billie Ann (photo)
  53. Roberts, Leigh (photo)
  54. Santrizos, Marion (photo) – died Mar 2008
  55. Seeliger, Earl (photo)
  56. Sewall, Dala Rae (photo)
  57. Sewall, Russell (photo)
  58. Sewall, Willis (photo) – died 25 Feb 2004 (Star Tribune obituary)
  59. Shallman, Kenneth (photo) – probably died 05 Feb 2001 (SSDI and Star Tribune obituary of Thora "Dodie" Shallman)
  60. Shank, John (photo) – Secretary – died per Adelle (Dunn) Ackmann; died 03 Oct 2003 (SSDI)
  61. Silverman, Razel – married name Hoffman; not pictured as a Senior in 1936 Echowan
  62. Skogman, Maxine (photo)
  63. Stephens, Lawrence (photo)
  64. Stone, Henrietta (photo)
  65. Straiton, Betty (photo) – married name Bastyr
  66. Stromer, Carl (photo)
  67. Svoboda, Harvey (photo)
  68. Swanson, James (photo)
  69. Thompson, Patsy (photo) – married name Mack
  70. Tracy, Lillian (photo) – married name Vaughn
  71. Van der Busch, Bill – not pictured as a Senior in 1936 Echowan; another Van der Busch (male) is pictured in the Junior Class photo
  72. Waters, Wayne (photo)
  73. Werner/Warner, Lucille (photo) – married name Niederhaus
  74. Whitfield, Olive – name provided by Flora (Lundberg) Jones; not pictured as a Senior in 1936 Echowan
  75. Woodbury, Robert – not pictured as a Senior in 1936 Echowan; a Woodbury (male) is pictured in the Sophomore Class photo in 1936 Echowan; Robert Woodbury died days before 1996 reunion

Other people included on reunion lists:

Other friends and acquaintances of Bob Hull:

Last update 21 June 2008